Setting Goals

Setting Goals

Setting goals is important to help achieve your vision. Whether in your personal or work life, laying out goals to work toward will help guide your focus, keeping you motivated and providing you with a clear direction.

If you are struggling to set achievable goals, one of our favourite ways is to use the SMART goal’s structure. Using this method will mean you can fully clarify your ideas, use your time productively, and focus your efforts in the right way.

SMART is an acronym that will guide your goal setting. Each one of your goals should be:


When you’re setting a goal for yourself or a project, try and be as specific as you can with what you want to accomplish. Think about the ‘w’ questions (who, what, when, where, etc.) to navigate the mission statement of your goal.


Decide on the metrics you are going to use to determine when you have met the goal you’ve set. This will allow the goal to become more realistic, as you are planning out ways to measure the progress. For example, if the goal is going to take a few months to be completed, break it down and set some milestones that you can track along the way.


An important element is to focus on how important this goal is to you and if there is anything extra you need to do to make it attainable. For example, you might need to develop a new skill or invest in some extra resources. Ideally, a goal should advance your abilities but remain possible, so have a think about what it could take.


The relevance of your goal revolves around whether it truly matters to you, as well as any broader goals you may have. Consider if this is the right time to start this goal, or if it is going to drive you forward in the long run. Ensuring you have relevant goals, also helps with keeping you motivated along the way.

Time bound

An essential factor to acknowledge is having realistic timings. Giving the goal a target date is imperative, ensuring that what you are trying to achieve can be done in the required timeframe. This can also help with your day-to-day planning, establishing a priority list in your everyday tasks.

If you see yourself struggling with daily focus and purpose, the SMART method provides an easy framework to set achievable goals.


At Clevertouch, we are experts in helping you identify and break down your personal or career goals. Get in touch today to schedule a Discovery Call with a member of the team.

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